
What can we do for you

We provide a range of valuable tools and techniques for a unique and personalised approach tailored to your needs.

For Individuals

We empower you to reach a state where you feel connected to who you are and maintain this throughout the stresses of daily life. 

We provide you support and guidance to build a balance between your body, mind, and emotions so that you can make clear, and well-informed decisions about your health and care.

Through Sophrology and CBT, you can cultivate greater self-awareness, resilience, and inner peace, ultimately empowering you to navigate challenges and embrace a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Stress significantly impacts our physical and emotional well-being. Our stress management program includes breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, gentle body movements and progressive muscle relaxation.

These techniques can be used at any time, reducing tension and promoting a sense of calm.

Getting prepared for exams and keeping yourself healthy during your studies is a source of anxiety and stress for many students.

We offer a program that can help you to manage the stress and anxiety associated with exams. Our sessions focus on teaching students effective study habits, stress management techniques, and ways to build self-confidence and motivation.

This program can help you to stay focused, manage your time, reduce stress and sleep better. It also enhances your exam performance, eliminating stress, enabling you to bring your best self to the exam.

Being depressed is like traversing a dense fog where joy feels distant. It’s a relentless storm within, where emotions oscillate between numbness and overwhelming sadness. 

The body becomes an anchor, drained of energy, while even the simplest tasks feel like insurmountable obstacles. Despite being surrounded by others, depression creates a pervasive sense of isolation, as if trapped in a suffocating bubble of emptiness. Depression casts a shadow over every aspect of life.

Together, we can explore Sophrology techniques, combining relaxation, breath work, mindfulness, and visualisation to ground you in the present moment, alleviate stress, manage overwhelming emotions and cultivate self-awareness and resilience. 

Additionally, cognitive-behavioral techniques can be employed to challenge negative thought patterns and develop coping strategies. Encouraging engagement in enjoyable activities, fostering social connections, and promoting self-care habits are integral to our work.

We can navigate the journey together towards your healing and renewed well-being through empathy, validation, and a supportive therapeutic relationship.

Sleep disorders have a significant impact on our daily lives, leading to fatigue, decreased concentration, mood swings and reduced productivity. Our sessions focus on improving sleep, reducing stress and the ability to switch off your thoughts.

With the proper support, you can establish healthy sleep habits, fall asleep more efficiently, and wake up refreshed and energised.

In your journey towards healing from eating disorders, I offer a comprehensive approach that combines the  techniques of Sophrology with the evidence-based strategies of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

I understand that the path to recovery can be challenging and often misunderstood.
Drawing from my lived experiences and professional background in working with people with eating disorders, as well as my specialisations in CBT and Sophrology, I bring a unique perspective to our sessions. 

Together, we’ll navigate through traditional therapy methods and the gentle yet powerful practices of Sophrology, empowering you to overcome obstacles and achieve lasting wellness. 

These sessions will help you to identify and manage your emotional triggers, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and build a more positive relationship with food.

Having overcome my struggles with eating disorders, I provide a safe and supportive space for you to explore your challenges. My expertise allows me to guide you toward healing and empowerment on your journey to recovery.

Our Prices

Single Sessions

£60 Sophrology session (1 hour) 
£20 CBT session (1 hour)
The first consultation lasts 1h30


6 sessions – £324
10 sessions – £510
20 sessions – £1080 

For Charities and Businesses

Our Programmes are Tailored to Meet Your well-being: promoting a healthy work-life balance and supporting employees is crucial in creating a productive and motivated workforce.

Our services are designed to be interactive and engaging, ensuring that participants learn valuable skills and enjoy the experience.

As a professional coach, I understand the importance of maintaining good mental and physical health in the workplace.

Our general well-being programme empowers employees to adopt healthy habits and behaviours that positively impact their well-being.

Through relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, and practical exercises, participants will learn how to manage stress and emotions, boost their energy levels, and improve their mental clarity.
In today’s fast-paced work environment, stress has become a common challenge for employees. Our stress management programme is designed to help employees understand and manage their stress levels.

By teaching them practical coping strategies and relaxation techniques, we aim to equip employees with the tools they need to manage stress effectively, improving their overall well-being and job satisfaction.
Many employees struggle with public speaking, and it can be a source of anxiety and stress. Our public speaking programme is tailored to help employees overcome their fear and become confident and effective communicators.

Through practical exercises and mindfulness techniques, participants will develop their general speaking skills, learn how to manage nerves, and improve their confidence.
Our team building programme is designed to help organisations foster a positive, supportive, and productive work environment. By teaching employees how to communicate effectively, work together as a team, and overcome challenges, we aim to improve team performance and boost employee morale.

Confidence is a critical aspect of personal and professional development. Our confidence-building programme is designed to help employees develop self-assurance and boost their self-esteem. Through practical exercises and mindfulness techniques, participants will learn how to overcome self-doubt, improve communication skills, and increase confidence.

Charity Testimonial

Cybele is a valued volunteer for our community charity that provides support for those and their carers who experience an eating disorder.  As part of an internship, Cybele provided a 12 week Sophrology Programme for our volunteers and carers held via Zoom. As a Sophrology Practitioner, Cybele was highly professional and engaging throughout the programme and made the participants feel welcome and relaxed.  She explained the techniques in a relatable manner and accommodated those who had conditions that made some exercises challenging and did this in a discrete and supportive manner. 

Our volunteers and Carer’s stated that they felt more relaxed, less stressed and felt their mood improved after attending the Sophrology sessions with Cybele.  We have every intention to engage with Cybele to offer future sessions to our carers as we are confident that positive changes can be experienced with Cybele and the tailored Sophrology sessions that she offers.

Cybele is an incredibly empathic, positive person and this shines through in every interaction she has and especially when she is supporting people either in her volunteering role or her role as a Sophrology Practitioner. Her voice, her demeanour and general vibe is relaxing and engaging and I would highly recommend Cybele as a Sophrology Practitioner.

SupportED, The Community Eating Disorder Charity